The importance of warming up and cooling down

The importance of warming up and cooling down

Warming up and cooling down plays such an important role in your fitness routine, and may offer help in reducing the risk of injury and improving your athletic performance. Before you jump on the treadmill or lift those weights, do a short warm up first. And try following your workout with a quick cool down session. A warm up and cool down may add a few minutes to your exercise routine. But might also lower stress on the heart and other muscles.

Why you should warm up and cool down: Warm ups and cool downs generally mean doing your activity at a slower pace and lowered intensity. It helps get the body ready for aerobic activity. A warm up literally does what it says on the tin! It’s intended to prepare the body for the physical activity you are about to complete. This might be a gym session, cardio exercise, a sports training session or a competitive match. A warm up should always include some low-intensity aerobic exercise and stretching. To prepare your body for exercise a warm up should last from 5-10 minutes.

The cool down after your workout is all about lowering the body temperature and heart rate back to normal. A cool down will normally include very light aerobic activity and stretching. It will help the muscles to further relax and return back to their normal range of movement.

(Photo Credit: Luemen Rutkowski)

How to warm up and cool down: Warm up right before you workout. Focus on large muscle groups, such as the hamstrings. Then you can do exercises more specific to your sport or activity. Start at a low, slow pace that slowly builds in speed and intensity. A warmup may cause a little sweat, but generally won’t leave you tired.

(Photo Credit: Liveology Yoga Magazine)

Cooling down is similar to warming up. You generally keep doing your workout session for five minutes or so. But you go at a slower pace and lower intensity. Always cool down straight after your workout

Finding time for regular aerobic workouts plus warming up and cooling down can be hard. But with a little creativity, you can probably fit it all in. For example, you can walk to and from the gym for your warm up and cool down…depending on how far your gym is of course!

Shelley & Michelle xx

Why has Endometriosis care been slow to improve?

Why has Endometriosis care been slow to improve?

As we are in March, Endometriosis Awareness Month, we thought we should highlight the chronic disease and use this opportunity for all to understand more about the condition. Endometriosis is the second most common gynaecological condition in the UK, affecting 1 in 10 women in the UK (1.5 million).

Endometriosis, also known as the ‘invisible illness’ is a long-term condition where cells similar to the ones in the lining of the womb (uterus) are found elsewhere in the body. Each month these cells react in the same way to those in the womb, building up and then breaking down and bleeding. Unlike the cells in the womb that leave the body as a period, this blood has no way to escape.

An estimated 176 million women worldwide suffer a life of pain of the disease and according to Endometriosis UK one in every 10 women live with the long-term health condition. That’s over 1.5 million women, which can also be felt for life. It can affect women of any age, regardless of their race or ethnicity and can have an impact on the quality of life and in some cases take women years to be diagnosed. Endometriosis can not only worsen if it goes untreated, but the condition can also have a huge impact on someone’s career, relationships, and mental health.

Abbie Stapleton said “When I was 14 I experienced my first episode of really excruciating pain, but this was before my period started which then came a year later. Every month I would have a period and be bed bound, unable to walk, fainting and nothing being able to ease my pain. I was sent back and forth to different health care professionals month after month and just being told that nothing was wrong.”

(Photo credit: cheerfullylive)

“My tests would come back clear and I was always dismissed as being the unlucky one with bad periods.” Abbie explains “It wasn’t until my pain became chronic in December 2018 that endometriosis started being investigated and when I did see a gynaecologist I was told I was way too young to ever have severe endometriosis. I then pushed for an MRI which actually came back with having deep severe endometriosis. My pain got worse where I was then put on the surgery list and I went onto have endometriosis excision surgery, after a year of being on the waiting list. I waited ten years to be diagnosed with endometriosis from the onset of my pain, symptoms and just going backwards and forwards to different health care professionals.”

Women living with endometriosis experience severe pain and bleeding. It may also lead to infertility. The most common symptom is pain in your lower tummy or back (pelvic pain), very painful and heavy periods as well as pain during or after sex. The condition may also trigger spotting or bleeding between periods, pain when going to the toilet, bloating, nausea, constipation and diarrhea. GP Dr Hilary Jones said “These symptoms are often put down to just period pains. Women often go for many years without the diagnosis being made. If your periods are very heavy or very painful then it’s always worth thinking about endometriosis as a possible cause. I would encourage women, that if they think it is endometriosis to go and seek help earlier rather than later”.

Copyright © Dr. Hilary Jones

It is said that more than half of women have to visit a GP more than ten times before being referred to a specialist. Dr Hilary explains that “Most women’s period pain is predictable, manageable and easily treated with paracetamol or ibuprofen. When that doesn’t control the pains that you are getting, when the pain is more widespread goes down the thighs and into your back throughout the pelvis and lower abdomen, when it affects your normal activities and you have to take time off work, then it’s something that needs to be treated. No woman should be putting up with those symptoms and I say if it’s a possibility just go and get it checked out”.

Treatments include painkillers, hormone medicines, contraceptives, and surgery such as laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) and hysterectomy. Some women find these treatments ineffective and abandon medical treatment or seek alternative therapies. Nutritionist Lorna Driver-Davies said “There are lots of things you can do to change your diet and lifestyle, to recovery from treatment (surgical) and to get you in a healthier position looking at supporting hormones and the immune system which are the two key areas when managing the condition.” Lorna explains “Endometriosis can really affect the gut – with many women experiencing digestive issues, especially if endometriosis has been found on the intestines. This can lead to issues with nutrient absorption and imbalances of bacteria in the gut can also worsen the condition – so I advise taking a look at gut health if you have endo. Women with endo can have a history of heavy periods. So, every time you bleed you are losing nutrients. That’s why you see low iron and magnesium in women who’ve got endo, and these nutrients play a role in supporting your body and you feeling good.”

(Photo provided by Lorna Driver-Davies)

“It’s a multidisciplinary condition, everyone in health has a role to play including chiropractors and physiotherapists because it creates distortions in the body, for example organs can get twisted round and stuck together. The medical approach works incredibly well if you combine it with looking at diet and lifestyle.” She went on to say “You get a lot of mental health issues with Endometriosis, depression, low mood, anxiety partly that comes from not being listened to, women are still told that it is in their head that they have these painful problems. But also, that the same nutrients that would normally support the brain and mood, are prioritised by the body to manage pain and inflammation”

It is said that endometriosis costs the UK economy £8.2bn a year in treatment, loss of work and health care costs. Endometriosis Clinical Nurse Specialist Gilly Macdonald said “It’s not something that’s talked about and some symptoms can often be mistaken for other conditions. More research is needed. We need to increase awareness of endometriosis amongst health care providers and the wider community. We need to increase education and skills to recognise the condition, improving early diagnosis, treatments and access to specialist services.” Gilly explains “A cure for endometriosis has not yet been identified because the exact cause of endometriosis is still uncertain. It remains a poorly understood condition.”

Shelley & Michelle xx

Ways To Detox Your Body

Ways To Detox Your Body

There’s no better way than feeling healthy and full of energy. At the start of the year we decided to have a month of pure detoxification which involved cutting out fizzy drinks, red meats, alcohol and snacks, including sweet treats and crisps. It wasn’t the easiest thing to take on in January, but we are happy to say that we stuck to it and feeling great!

If you are thinking of getting healthier this year, or need more of an insight into doing so, take a look at a few tips below.

Drinking more water: Water does so much more than quench your thirst. It regulates your body temperature, aids digestion and nutrient absorption, and detoxifies your body by removing waste products. Water transports waste products, removing them through urination, breathing, or sweating. So staying properly hydrated is important for detoxification. It is said that the daily water intake for most adults is about 2 to 2.5 litres which is around 8 glasses. You may need more or less depending on your diet or your activity level. To make water that little bit more tastier, we add a slice of lemon and mint!

(Photo credit: Mariah-Hewines)

Focus on sleep: Getting quality sleep each night supports your body’s health. Sleeping allows your brain to recharge itself. Not getting enough sleep can lead to stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It is said that we should regularly sleep 7 to 9 hours per night to help gain and maintain good health. If you have difficulties staying or falling asleep at night, try to relax before bed by taking a hot bath, reading a book or stick to a sleep schedule and limit using your phone before bed.

(Photo credit: Toa-Heftiba)

Limit your intake of sugar and processed foods: Even thought this can be so difficult at times, but you can keep your body’s detoxification system healthy by consuming less junk food. You can limit junk food by just leaving it on the shop shelf. Not having it in your kitchen takes away the temptation altogether, and replacing junk food with healthier choices like fruits and vegetables is also a healthy way to reduce consumption.

(Photo credit: Vinicius-Amnx-Amano)

Gut health: Gut health is so important for keeping your detoxification system healthy. Prebiotics is a type of fibre that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Eating foods rich in prebiotics can keep your immune and detoxification systems healthy. Good food sources of prebiotics include tomatoes, artichokes, bananas, asparagus, onions, garlic, and oats.

(Photo credit: Cleo-Stracuzza)

Shelley & Michelle xx

5 benefits of weight training

5 benefits of weight training

If you want to improve your health It is said that weight training is a way to achieve this. It involves using one or more muscle groups. Weight training is also known as strength training, resistance training, and muscular training. The definition of strength training is any physical movement in which you use your body weight such as, lifting weights, dumbbells, resistance bands or circuit training. This builds muscle mass, strength and endurance.

Makes you stronger: Strength training helps you become stronger. It helps improve performance in sports that require speed, power, and strength. Gaining strength allows you to perform everyday tasks much easier, such as carrying heavy shopping bags or running / walking up a flight of stairs.

Makes your bones stronger: Weight-bearing exercises put temporary stress on your bones, sending a message to bone-building cells to take action and rebuild bones stronger. Having strong bones reduces your risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and falls, especially as you age. The great news is, you can reap the bone-strengthening benefits of strength training at any age.

Improves your mood: It is said that regular weight training may boost your mood and improve your mental health such as reduce anxiety. The great thing about exercise is that it releases endorphins, which can put you in a great and positive mood.

(Photo credit: Delaney-Van)

Can help you appear leaner: When building more muscle and losing fat, you will appear leaner. Losing body fat and building stronger and larger muscles will achieve more muscle definition, creating a stronger and leaner appearance.

(Photo credit: Alexandra Tran)

Boosts your self-esteem: Strength training can add a boost to your self-confidence. It helps you overcome challenges, work towards a goal, and appreciate your body’s strength. It can increase your self-efficacy, the belief that you’re able to succeed at or perform a task which can improve your confidence.

Shelley & Michelle xx

Ways to clear your mind

Ways to clear your mind

There are many things we need to tackle daily. Emails, meetings, errands, making meals. The list is endless. Clearing your mind is a great way to reinvigorate yourself and complete your tasks to the best of your ability. Anxiety usually rises when we’re weighed down with worries, thoughts and upcoming projects. And to be completely honest life itself can be full of many challenges. Making time for yourself and your mind should be the number one go too. If your mind is not a 100% how can you be your best self.

It’s ok to say no: There are always things happening constantly in our day to day lives. Catching up with friends, family and work commitments. As the days go by it is easy to get caught up, and when you eventually stop you realise half of the year has gone by already. In life we have to prioritise and make decisions and you can’t always say yes. It’s ok to put your needs first and it’s ok to say no, especially if you are feeling rundown and overwhelmed. Saying no will reduce your stress, leave your mind clearer and leave you with valuable time for yourself. You can’t help others if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Take a break: Stepping away from phones, computer screens and what you’re currently working on will help you find space for whatever types of rest you need throughout the day. Plus, it will enhance your attention when you return to it. Take a deep breath when you can, do a short guided meditation, go out into the fresh air for a walk or run, read a chapter from your book, listen to music or take a nap. These are great ways to get things off your mind and improve memory.

(Photo credit: Jessica-Lewis)

Make a to-do list: Writing down what you need to accomplish in a day and even in life will help you stay organised and on track. Doing this lets you empty your thoughts on paper, freeing up space in your mind. By writing things down, that thought will no longer pop into your head every few days or hours.

(Photo credit: priscilla-du-preez)

Vocalise how you feel: We all need a little extra help from time to time. Even If you need to speak to someone other than friends and family, seek medical advice from a doctor or a therapist. Be honest about what you’re experiencing — to yourself, and others, too. If you’re feeling overwhelmed say so. Acknowledging and vocalising how you’re feeling will keep your mind at ease.

Shelley & Michelle xx

Digital Immersive Arts Experience At London’s Frameless

Digital Immersive Arts Experience At London’s Frameless

If you love art and fancy experiencing art a little different then Frameless is the place for you. Situated a short walk from Marble Arch, Frameless is London’s first permanent digital immersive arts experience. And you won’t be just looking at paintings, you’ll be inside them with its incredible displays of animated masterpieces. Each one with its own theme, showing the work in exciting ways.

All the artworks have been brought to life using state-of-the-art digital techniques designed to complement the specific art techniques and artworks on display. It’s like you have entered another world whilst interacting with both the artworks and the music.

Frameless features masterpieces from some of the world’s greatest artists. Including the likes of Cezanne, Kandinsky, Monet, Dali, Van Gogh, Canaletto, Rembrandt and Klimt.

Shelley & Michelle xx

Top 5 Health Benefits of Saunas And Steam Rooms

Top 5 Health Benefits of Saunas And Steam Rooms

Saunas and steam rooms are not for everyone, but this is one thing we look forward to most after a workout. It is a great way to relax and recharge. Steam rooms and saunas are similar, both are heated rooms and used for relaxation and to help relieve symptoms of certain medical conditions. There are differences between the two, steam rooms offer moist heat, while a sauna provides dry heat from a wood or electric stove. We researched more into the benefits, and here are some of the reasons you need to steam and sauna your way to better health.

Post-workout relaxation: Muscles need to be relaxed and stretched after they are exercised in order to promote healthy recovery. This process is expedited by muscle relaxation, which occurs in response to a hot environment. Saunas and steam rooms also relieves joint and muscular tension. The heat soothes, warms and relaxes your muscles. Which is why this is so important to do after sport. It is said that it helps with joint pain as well as arthritis, migraines, and headaches.

(Photo credit: HUUM)

Removes toxins and clears the skin: We found out that sitting in a sauna and steam for just 20 minutes can get rid of an entire day’s sweat and all of the toxins! Steam clears the skin of impurities.  It improves circulation in the whole body, which gives you a healthy glow and will make your skin look and feel amazing.

Reduces stress: The heat causes the body to release endorphins that reduce the feeling of stress in the body. After you will feel rested and rejuvenated.

(Photo credit: Lukas Kubica)

Helps with weight loss and a healthy blood flow: The heat of steam and saunas get you sweating which can help even shed a few extra pounds of water weight. Capillaries dilate when exposed to the heat of a sauna or steam room, so blood flows freely and easily through the whole body, transporting oxygen everywhere you need it and leaving you feeling refreshed.

Opens the sinuses: Wet heat opens and thins mucous membranes in your body, sinuses, throat and lungs. Loosening mucous can be felt after entering a sauna as your breathing feels clearer. This can be especially beneficial for those who suffer from chronic congestion or sinus infections.

Shelley & Michelle xx

Benefits From A Pilates Workout

Benefits From A Pilates Workout

Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. It helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. Similar to Yoga, Pilates concentrates on posture, balance and flexibility. This form of exercise was developed by Joseph Pilates in Germany, who believed that physical and mental health were closely connected.

Although there are similarities between yoga and Pilates as they both focus on the mind-body connection, yoga tends to focus more on spiritual well being. It is a more relaxing form of exercise whereas Pilates is more physical and focuses on toning and strengthening.

Photo credit: Ginny Rose Stewart

Practicing Pilates on a regular basis provides plenty of well-rounded benefits. The great thing is that Pilates can be enjoyed by anyone and at any age. If you’re a beginner you can start with the more easier exercises and then once you’ve mastered those, you can work on the advanced moves. Always check with your health professional if you haven’t exercised for a while, are older or pregnant, or have health problems.

  • Good posture – Pilates will teach you to gain and maintain good posture. The exercises require that your body is always in alignment. This is especially beneficial if you suffer from lower back pain.
  • Clears the mind and improves your mood – Pilates focuses on providing balance between your mind and body, it gives you an overall sense of well-being. Pilates can improve your mood as physical activity causes endorphins to be released and causes a positive feeling in the body. Some scientists believe that being active can enhance wellbeing as it brings about a sense of better self-confidence and self-control.
  • Muscle Tone – The exercises involve the use of muscles that you may not use on a daily basis. After the initial soreness, you’ll find that your muscles will be much more toned.
  • Flat abdominal muscles – As Pilates focuses on strengthening your core which includes your abdominal muscles, you’ll find that one of the benefits of Pilates is that it will result in a flat stomach.
  • Flexibility – As we age we tend to lose the flexibility we had when we were younger. Pilates is said to restore your flexibility. After a while you’ll be amazed at how much more flexible your body has become.
  • Improves your balance – Through the mind-body connection, you will become much more aware of how your body moves and performs. Pilates not only improves your physical balance through correct posture but will also restore your mind-body balance.
  • Reduces stress – When doing the exercises, you’ll be in the moment and won’t be able to think about all those responsibilities that weigh you down on a day to day basis. You’ll be more focused on your breathing and on the moves that you are making with your body. This is one of the best ways to relieve stress.
Photo credit: Elena Kloppenburg

Shelley & Michelle xx

Dining at Brat, London

Dining at Brat, London

If you are a food lover then you have to experience the delicacies Brat has to offer. Based in London’s Shoreditch, the vibe of the restaurant was so relaxed and there’s always something extra special when the chefs cook the meals in an open kitchen. It shows professionalism and excellence as well as allowing diners to admire the chefs expertise.

We started with a variety of different small plates, each and every one was excellent, and couldn’t tell you our favourite dish as they were all so tasty.

The small plate portions were just right and consisted of Maldon Oyster with Cucumber & Seaweed, Grilled Bread, Grilled Padron Peppers, Spider Crab Toast, Scarlet Prawns, Green Salad followed by the Beef Rib and Smoked Potatoes. We were so stuffed and actually asked for a doggy bag! The food was too good to just throw away and would have regretted that in the morning. We shared dessert which was the Caramel Cream and was delicious.

Instead of us typing away, we’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy.

Grilled Bread
Grilled Padron Peppers
Spider Crab Toast
Scarlet Prawns
Green Salad
Beef Rib
Smoked Potatoes
Caramel Cream

Shelley & Michelle xx

Our Staycation in Bath

Our Staycation in Bath

Bath is the largest city in Somerset, England, known for and named after its Roman-built baths. Fun fact, It is said that Jane Austen lived in Bath in the early 19th century, and used the city as a setting for some of her novels. Bath has also been home to many more impressive residents over its long history and has over 6 million yearly visitors, making it one of ten English cities visited most by overseas tourists. Attractions include the spas, canal boat tours, museums, galleries and Royal Victoria Park which hosts carnival and seasonal events. It’s such a quick and easy journey to Bath, it took us less than 2 hours from London by train.

We stayed at the Macdonald Bath Spa Hotel that sits on 7 acres of private grounds. If you’re looking to unwind or just enjoy a few days of peace and quiet then this is the ultimate destination. The rooms are so cosy and the facilities include an award winning restaurant, breathtaking landscaped gardens, leisure club, hydrotherapy pool, and thermal spa. A lot of our time was well spent relaxing in the sauna’s and steam room. There’s also an ice room where we smothered our bodies with the crunchy ice, it was of course freezing, but always good to do as it closes the pores and cools you down after a steam. One of our evenings was spent out in the hydrotherapy pool which was so calming. It was absolutely freezing outside but the hydro pool was so warm. It was great to just lie back and watch the stars in the nights sky.

Bath is a city where you can relax and discover new things. We took a long winters stroll, taking in the scenery and getting lost in the surroundings and came across a very interesting building called Victoria Art Gallery, which is a public art museum. We walked up a spiral staircase and viewed the galleries collection of paintings, sculpture and decorative arts. The Gallery was named to celebrate Queen Victoria’s sixty years on the throne. It includes over 1,500 decorative arts treasures, including a display of British oil paintings from 17th century to the present day.

If you decide to visit Bath you must try Hudson Steak house. It’s one of the best steaks we have ever eaten! The gravy and mash was so tasty. Hudson steak house specialises in prime dry aged steaks, and some mouth watering classic dishes.

Shelley & Michelle xx