5 benefits of weight training

5 benefits of weight training

If you want to improve your health It is said that weight training is a way to achieve this. It involves using one or more muscle groups. Weight training is also known as strength training, resistance training, and muscular training. The definition of strength training is any physical movement in which you use your body weight such as, lifting weights, dumbbells, resistance bands or circuit training. This builds muscle mass, strength and endurance.

Makes you stronger: Strength training helps you become stronger. It helps improve performance in sports that require speed, power, and strength. Gaining strength allows you to perform everyday tasks much easier, such as carrying heavy shopping bags or running / walking up a flight of stairs.

Makes your bones stronger: Weight-bearing exercises put temporary stress on your bones, sending a message to bone-building cells to take action and rebuild bones stronger. Having strong bones reduces your risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and falls, especially as you age. The great news is, you can reap the bone-strengthening benefits of strength training at any age.

Improves your mood: It is said that regular weight training may boost your mood and improve your mental health such as reduce anxiety. The great thing about exercise is that it releases endorphins, which can put you in a great and positive mood.

(Photo credit: Delaney-Van)

Can help you appear leaner: When building more muscle and losing fat, you will appear leaner. Losing body fat and building stronger and larger muscles will achieve more muscle definition, creating a stronger and leaner appearance.

(Photo credit: Alexandra Tran)

Boosts your self-esteem: Strength training can add a boost to your self-confidence. It helps you overcome challenges, work towards a goal, and appreciate your body’s strength. It can increase your self-efficacy, the belief that you’re able to succeed at or perform a task which can improve your confidence.

Shelley & Michelle xx